Ryan Kennedy @ryan 11-Aug-2016 ? more permalink ›› 1 1 Nikola Stamatović @stamat 17-Aug-2016 Hey little buddy, you are still here :) I'll open this thing up so people can register :D joyacceptanceastonishmentpensivenessfondnessconflict
Ryan Kennedy @ryan 11-May-2016 Wifi shut down, now using my phone's wifi. terroruncertaintygrief more permalink ››
Ryan Kennedy @ryan 11-May-2016 Welcome to the universe! ecstasyacceptanceastonishmentdelight more permalink ››
Ryan Kennedy @ryan 10-May-2016 It seems like the site keeps going inactive for months on end... sorrowdislike more permalink ››
Ryan Kennedy @ryan 01-Dec-2015 Very annoyed that I am stuck on #13 on my test. UGH!!! feargriefguilt more permalink ››