Ryan Kennedy @ryan 16-Jan-2015 The "alpha" message looks has a half-life logo on it, I just saw that. interest more permalink ›› 3 Nikola Stamatović @stamat 17-Jan-2015 Hahaha, that's a greek letter lambda, an ancient letter L also a symbol of nuclear decomposition called half-life and a symbol of liberty! joyacceptance Nikola Stamatović @stamat 17-Jan-2015 Btw, huge fan of half-life, cant wait for the HL3!!! uncertaintygloominessannoyancevigilanceirritationpessimismfrustration Ryan Kennedy @ryan 27-Aug-2015 I think Gabe won't let it go that far because he doesn't know how to count to 3, he only skips the number to 4. fear