Eryn Brooks @jaegrey 30-Dec-2014 Well the tears. They came and destroyed me. approvalapprehensionastonishmentsadnessdepressionguiltfail more permalink ›› 1 1 Eryn Brooks @jaegrey 18-Jan-2015 Oh yeah, I was gonna say these are Hobbit feels but they're family drama related feels and so I was probably enraged still. angeranticipationaggressiveness
Eryn Brooks @jaegrey 29-Dec-2014 Wow. So, she's seven years old and I only NOW find out my sister can't eat some kind of food. Christ on a bike. I should have known this YEARS ago. surprisesadnessangeroutrageoffended more permalink ›› 2 Nikola Stamatović @stamat 30-Dec-2014 Hahahaa Christ on a bike! People without a religion are like fish without a bike or something like that goes the popular quote! joyrespectadmiration Eryn Brooks @jaegrey 31-Dec-2014 I have never heard this quote before in my life, but hey! That's one of my personal favourite exclamations xD. Also, I am loving the way this works. joyuncertaintydelight
Eryn Brooks @jaegrey 29-Dec-2014 21 in five days. What am I doing with my life joyanticipationenthusiasm more permalink ››
Eryn Brooks @jaegrey 29-Dec-2014 Two weeks and three days until I go see Die Antwoord. I am literally rolling around with excitement. Cannot cope. ecstasyrespectvigilanceeuphorialove more permalink ››
Eryn Brooks @jaegrey 28-Dec-2014 @lavitabella HAAAAALLLLOOOOOO! elationastonishmentdelight more permalink ››
Eryn Brooks @jaegrey 28-Dec-2014 Just discovered that my instagram is available to view via a third party that is not instagram. Good job there was nothing private on there. astonishmentangeroutrage more permalink ››
Eryn Brooks @jaegrey 28-Dec-2014 All set up! I'm thinking that this will be an absolutely wonderful place to network when it's out of the alpha/beta phase. joyastonishmentcuriositydelightoptimism more permalink ›› 1